(AKA: Pretty visuals
so you don’t notice the lack of story)
I just can imagine how
this movie looks in imax 3d, I mean this movie was made for the big screen,
watching it on the TV is pretty but you don’t get the immersion that should
have. But after saying this lets go to the real review because a movie is not
great just because it looks pretty. If that were the case Pacific Rim should be
nominated :P
Almost forget,
spoilers, but there are not much to spoil, the script is basically the beat
sheet (is the skeleton of a story).
Well the story is
about a group of astronauts that have to fix a satellite (Piece of equipment
that is in orbit around the earth) but something goes wrong with the
destruction of a satellite and now they have to get back to earth. That’s it
nothing more, yes you have some development of the characters, because they
have to rely on that, there is nothing else going on, but the characters are
likeable, I mean, they are George Clooney and Sandra Bullock to people that
could never be Bond villains because they are so likeable, so they are in their
rolls of themselves in space, and nothing else.
The movie has like
some Mexican films back in the beginning of the 2000’s of giving some data that
will be important for the story, here is space, yes info about space, that
there is no sound, but if they wanted to make it some kind of realistic they
kind of fail, because you can hear the voices stronger the closer they are to
the screen, and there are some sounds when they are fixing stuff, but the big
sound they didn’t put them, or did they? Well if you have study sound
engineering or foley, you would know that the way the used the music in this
movie is called “Mickey Mouse” and is a kind of original score where the music
works as the sounds of everything, if you didn’t notice I invite you to watch
it again when is on TV and look for the music in perfect synchrony with what is
happening, just like in the old cartoons where the music made the footsteps and
the punches.
Other thing is that we
can hear Sandra Bullock when she is screaming in the pot, and is supposed that
we are outside, where in the beginning they told us that there was no sound.
One thing I hate was
the “Wall-e” moment, quoting here a friend (Rebeca) “Are you fucking kidding
me!” really you thought that nobody would get that, let’s use one of the most
memorable scenes from one of the most memorable movies of space, I mean, I’ll
have done the same, but I watched the movie, and I think was great in Wall-e,
but here? Here feels just like a rip off.
The main problem with
space is that there is nothing there, and I mean nothing, so there are no
problems, no big evil to conquer, no great peril for our main character, no new
comers (because is freaking expensive send someone there) so, you feel like
there could be something else, something beside the main problem, but no, there
is only the problem of the beginning and they quest is a straight line until
the end.
When I watched this
movie I felt that was the fastest of the bunch, and Oh surprise, is the
shortest, and that’s good I mean if you don’t have enough story to fill 2 hours
don’t make a 2 hours movie, don’t pad it with wide silent shots, just let the
length of the story guide you.
Also pretty much the
trailer has all the good scenes the rest as I said is more character
Well this movie is a
big meh, if you don’t take the visuals at consideration, pretty to watch but so
simple that everybody will get it, and is not as long as the rest of the Oscar
nominated so you can watch it and don’t feel like you lost half of your life.
*** 3 stars (watch it
or not, there is not big difference, but if somebody is willing to pay you the
ticket for the theatre take it! As I said, this movie is visuals for the